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Terms of Service



Accept multiple parts revisions

Line & Color:

Only face fine-tuning and color modification are accepted


Only minor revisions are accepted


Fix existing bugs + Only minor adjustments accepted

Please put forward all your revision ideas at one time, send detailed references for each revision, so our revisions will be mostly based on the references you send.


- All Live2D model design copyrights created by the Artists of Stellaxy Studio belong to our studio. 

- Please not redraw the artwork or animation for commercial purposes without permission from the Artist in writing.

- Please not make changes, modify, or resell the artwork or animation. 

- If you would like to use this artwork for NSFW commissions, please notify the Artist responsible for the model design in advance.


Completion progress: 0%

Full Refund

Completion progress: 100%

Pay the amount written on the price list for the finished artwork or animation

If the cancellation occurs after the Artist has begun working on the artwork or animation, Master 

shall pay compensation to the Artist for the work completed based on the percentage of completion.


- Dear Commander, if you request Stellaxy Studios to create NSFW art designs, please provide relevant documentation proving that you are over the legal age of majority, otherwise we will not accept this commission.

- Dear Commander, please inform Stellaxy Studio the use of this NSFW artwork, to ensure that the studio does not get involved in any disputes or take risks or be sued.

Solemnly declare: Stellaxy studio does not accept NSFW art commissions from underage clients, nor does it accept commissions on controversial topics, violations of many platform regulations, satire, discrimination, etc. that may affect the reputation of the studio.

Stellaxy Studio hopes​:

· Please respect the design results of each artist

· Please do not use the art works completed by the artists of Stellaxy Studio for any AI drawing

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